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High School Graduate & MIT Student: Fiora Beratahani

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

We have recently learned that one of our black belt students Fiora Berarahani had graduated from high school and will now be attending the well known university MIT.

Although it’s sad to see her go, we are extremely proud of her accomplishments and her potential to grow.

Fiora was a very well mannered and soft spoken individual. She wasn’t more physically athletic than any other student.

One of her greatest talents was her ability to listen and learn. Upon being given information, she was able to process it and utilize it to the best of her ability.

She was also hard working and never gave up. As a result of her efforts, she was able to accomplish athletic feats that people could only dream of.

Congratulations on getting into MIT. We’re proud of you!

Q: How would you approach your teacher in order to get a letter of recommendation?

A: There is a packet you need to fill out and you can basically choose what your teachers want to say in your “letter of recommendation.”

Q: What types of extracurriculars did you do?

A: I interned at a summer institution during the summer after my junior year, but I’d say my best extracurricular I had going for me was diving. My coach also gave me an additional “letter of recommendation.” Kungfu is another one. I stayed at Kungfu for over 12 years.

Q: When applying to colleges, what is an ideal ratio of reach, target, and safety schools?

A: I didn’t really think much about what schools to apply to, and whether it’d be a target or a reach. Overall, I mainly applied to the UCs and some private schools as well, and I got into MIT! Just apply to a variety of different schools and you’ll be fine.

Q: What’s one big lesson that you would say is really important for aspiring college applicants?

A: Explore a lot and focus on a few things you are passionate about.

Q: How important is the personal statement (essays) as compared to grades and APs?

A: While grades are more statistical and concrete, essays are more personal and tell the colleges more about your personality and true self, a softer side of applications than just data and numbers.

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