Yesterday, we learned the basic steps to shoot the bow and arrow, today the students were able to shoot the bow.

In order to practice combat, the students teamed up with pool noodles in order to defeat the instructor.

For the final day of camp, we had the students learn practical knots to use in every day life.

The students learned how to shoot a bow effectively, and safely. They were very eager to learn all about this weapon. In China, archery got its start as chariot archery, then horseback, and finally slowly transitioned into the sport we see today.

Each of the students were gifted a bookmark with their own picture on the front. On the back, the students were tasked with a Kung Fu drawing, and writing their Kungfu goals.

Keychains were the focus of today's class. Many of the students struggled to understand how to tie the knot, but they never gave up. In the end, all of the students ended up with not one, but two keychains, one for them and one for their parents.

After the completion of the keychain, all of the students were very proud of their work and were eager for more challenges.

After struggling to complete the first keychain, all of the students were eager to try and make another. Many students were eager to jump to each other's aid in order to overcome this task, showing excellent skills in both cooperation and leadership.

The students learned paper cutting during the cultural portion of the summer camp. Not only were they able to follow the patterns shown to the class but were able to create designs of their own.

These are some of the many designs the students created during the summer camp.

Many of the students were extremely focused on their craft and went above and beyond creating designs of their own.

Relaxing after a hard day of work. To conclude the class, the students all watched a Kung Fu movie together while waiting for their parents to arrive.

After three hours of grueling practice lunch has never tasted better.

The students were hard at work learning Chinese calligraphy. The word we learned this week was "Jian Chi", meaning persistence, which is crucial when practicing Kung Fu.

The weapon we learned this week was the Kung Fu flag, while this weapon may seem very simple, it can be very unwieldly and tough on the hands.

Too learn more about Chinese culture, the students practiced calligraphy. The students were very focused practicing the writing for the character "Jian Chi", meaning persistance.

This week, the students were practicing both the high jump, and the long jump. The students pushed themselves to their limits, and some were even able to jump over half their height.